The This page has been set up to promote and encourage people to go beyond taking a model out of its box and sticking it on the track and have a go at actually doing some modelling!


UPDATE-Blas O Cymru Our first exhibition layout!


UPDATE - I have finally uploaded my Dart Castings Victoria Carriage build.


UPDATE - JMRI on a raspberry pi 3 using Jessie. the second instalment of Mike Dunns guide to running JMRI on the humble Raspberry Pi (in this case the new Pi3!!) I want to extend a huge thanks to Mike for writing this article on such an interesting subject!


Update - PIKO Smartcontrol! I can go for months without receiving an article from anyone else and then suddenly I will check my E-mails and one lands in my inbox! I want to shout "I GOT ONE!!" like that woman from Ghostbusters! A huge thanks to Brian Considine for this one and on such a promising subject as well. I look forward to some followups! If you would like to write for Focusmodelling then do please get in touch.

Update - Today we were working on our layout. the Baseboards are all screwed and glued which was fine when we had access to a rather swanky Bosch drill-driver! but alas today, the drill driver was in Hereford and we were in London!


BIG Update! - I am Delighted to present the first Focusmodelling article by Mike Dunn. JMRI on a Rasberry Pi. This also christens our new electronics section of the website which I am hoping will expand over the coming months. As I have said many times, if you would like to contribute to then do please get in touch. the standard of your modelling is not a consideration, only that you aim to improve with your next project.


Update - Work has started on our new layout! to help cut the plywood I invested in a decent band saw. Check out my review here!



UPDATE - I am delighted to present the first part of Paul Stapleton's article on the construction of his new Chinese HO layout. In part 1 he discusses the philosophy behind his choice of layout and the decisions he made before the board was cut!

UPDATE 2! this article is now also available in Chinese! 这篇文章现在有中文译版。



UPDATE - Garden at 54. Its been 15 years since the demise of this layout, but discovery of a recent stash of pictures meant an article was inevitable!





BIG UPDATE - A new article on the building of the Darjeeling and Himalaya railway B class from EDM 

Photo taken by Hugh Smith between 2001 and 2005 and remain his copyright.


UPDATE a Quick review of the Bergen Tap and Die set


I have added a new video for those of you who have asked about riveting valvegear. Its a bit of a rough video, But the process si there. I PROMISE I will get better at making these videos!



 BIG NEWS - St.Laurent en Ardennes.


Finally I have an article from someone else to publish!! When I started this website I hoped that a few others would contribute and while there are several irons in the fire and a couple of people actively working on articles, it's Brian Considine that first off the mark with an article on his former layout St.Laurent en Ardennes.

AN APPEAL FOR HELP - I would like to thank Brian and take this opportunity to plead for more contributors. I want to make it clear that your standard of modelling is not a consideration in weather your material gets published on this website. Only that you are honest about your work and that you aim to improve when you build your next model. seeing your mistakes are just as important as seeing peoples successes and we can all learn from them.

If you fancy having a go then please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




For some time I have wanted to sell some of the various products I use on this website.

Today, An industrial quantity of Flux and Solder has arrived from DCC concepts in Australia. I have specifically ordered the no clean flux and the 145 solder because I think they are by far the finest currently available to the modeller. They are simply superb products. When I came to order some I quickly found that the UK retailers weren't really interested in stocking it and so I took it upon myself to take the leap of faith and order a batch for sale on this website. 

There are still one or 2 little bugs like the postage is not sorted yet, but I am working on it!!

For now, I will bill you separately for the postage (just until I can figure out how to configure that part of the website correctly!)

UPDATE - Lathe review

UPDATE - Part 1 of the soldering tutorial is now live!

 Many thanks to Julia at for her help!

I really hope that video is just the start. in the second video I will be discussing fluxes and solders.


UPDATE - I have done several updates to the tool section with several new articles. I dont want to link each of them here on the homepage but you can find them here...

Dremel Multitool

Milbro Pendant motor

UPDATE - Sandy River & Rangley Lakes no.19, A big update on this one.

UPDATE - Brassmasters Black 5

UPDATE - (Finally!!) I have uploaded my article on Minidrill accessories.

UPDATE - New Article on the Broad Gauge Firefly


Peter Morgan - Editor


